27 weeks and 3 broken lenses

I found Photography as a teenager. And it has been a wild road with ups and downs but I can truly say that is what makes me happy, it makes me want to go for one more shot and keep trying and growing visually and professionally speaking. I thank all the people who have believed in my work in the past and continue by my side today, Agencies, magazines, clients, and friends the list of people who care is growing. THANK YOU…  

But many of you don't know me that much. Here's the interesting part: I was born premature, 27 weeks to be exact. The tendons in my legs are shorter than normal. I walk "in a funny way" but I still do... I have used any device that has been invented for better walking, 4 surgeries, and annual medical checkups.  I have reduced mobility but that's not a handicap for me, I do not see it as a limitation but rather as an invitation to continue taking photos, if I get tired I will take photos from the floor or sitting ... but always training my eyes to take better pictures every chance I get.

It may sound silly but in this profession, you have to spend many hours standing and carrying a backpack with heavy equipment, also, in my case with the risk of falling and that the equipment takes the worst part (it has happened to me several times, to tell the truth, the most memorable, a 50mm 1.4 Canon that did not survive some stairs)

In the matter of carrying backpacks on the advice of some friends and colleagues whom I respect and admire. I started looking for more information about modular systems for loading equipment. The Think Tank Photo team decided to support me by sending me a range of pouches and waist bags to try them out. I am very grateful for the opportunity and applaud thinktankphoto's inclusive vision and acceptance of differences in order to keep the media industry growing. When I test them I will let you know the result. I will be reviewing the material and how it goes with the modular system. Now surely my back will not hurt so much, and it will be easier and faster to change lenses to take photos.

Thank You 
